RJM is presenting and exhibiting at the 2024 International Biomass Conference & Expo on 4th – 6th March 2024, Richmond, Virginia, the largest biomass event in North America.

Larry Berg, who heads up RJM’s USA operation is presenting a paper entitled “CFD modelling of Typical Biomass Combustion Systems” in Room E24AB at 1.00pm on Wed. 6th March as part of the “Maximizing Combustion Conditions in Biomass Boilers” within Track 2, Biomass Power & Thermal. RJM is also exhibiting on Booth 532 with its partner IGS.


Thanks to its innovative approach and its ability to analyse every aspect of plant performance, RJM is achieving ground-breaking results in terms of increased MWe outputs, improved reliability with greatly extended campaigns between outages, reduced emissions, reduced slagging and reduced fouling at biomass and Energy from Waste plants, no matter what the fuel, the combustion technology or the size of the plant.

RJM is currently delivering this expertise and improving overall plant performance at a number of biomass and Energy from Waste plants in the UK, Italy, Sweden and North America, typically resolving a complex mix of Materials Handling, combustion, emissions and performance challenges.